Use italics, so you know its real...
"There aren't too many things on this planet that scare me outside of the fear of the unknown; however, these social networks, are beginning to give me pause. For many of us, we don't use them as we should and I don't give two shits if I sound condescending to you. every day I see us incriminating ourselves and/or being overly emotional about people who wont matter in a year; I just don't understand. I heard a quote one time that read, "the key to being boring is to say everything," and its more true than ever these days. Instead of living in these precious moments we'll never have again, we're glued to our phones updating everyone on what we're doing. I go out and see groups of people in the club on their phones and it kills me because it implies the contents of that phone are more interesting than actually living your life. People seem like the coolest kids on the block via twitter, but you meet them in person and its like taking a class in duality. Then there are the kids who actually have a decent reputation in real life, who expose themselves to terrible degrees for the world to see. I cant knock the entire social networking world as it has opened many doors for me, but I see where my generation is headed and its scary man, I swear it is..."
- G
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